We are looking for good foster homes for retired racing Greyhounds. The more foster homes we have the more Greyhounds we can prepare for their forever homes.
Fostering is a very rewarding activity, where the foster family helps a Greyhound explore a home (most have never seen stairs, patio doors, and other interesting things), recuperate from spay or neuter surgery, learn good manners, and best of all, learn that the transition to becoming a pet is journey filled with love.
One of our foster family members has this to say: "I'm very happy for [my recent foster]. After all he has been through; no dog deserves a good home more than he does. To live his life out, and be with a family that values his company and love and accept him as a member of their group. It's why we all do what we do.
That's the greatest joy and satisfaction available doing this kind of volunteer work. You love them all, but like we all know, "you can't keep them all". So you care for them, and you teach them and most important of all, you constantly remind yourself that they are going to leave, and your reward is getting them to that destination. It's not about your feelings or selfish wants. It's about the dog, and what is in its best interest.
And for the most part, that works. I've really gotten pretty good at the good-bye thing. I have, for the most part, learned to feel personally satisfied when a foster goes to their permanent home. I'm not losing a dog, I got a good dog into a good home, and I did a good thing. And that's the biggest reason I do this; the personal satisfaction of working to that successful end. Because it is about the dogs.
But every so often, [when] a foster leaves to go to [their home] they take a little piece of you with them. I truly enjoyed working with this foster, and he will be missed."
Click here for our foster form application online
What Makes a Good Home?
A place where the Greyhound will be given the same love and attention you would give your own pet. The Greyhounds are making an adjustment from living on a farm or in racing kennels to living in a home. They may need an introduction to some things you and your pet takes for granted like mirrors, glass doors, pet doors, soft beds and toys.
You Don't Have to Have a Backyard to Foster
But if you do have a backyard it needs to be completely fenced. Otherwise, 3 or 4 walks a day should meet the exercise and sanitary needs of your foster.
You Don't Need to Have a Greyhound or Even
Another Pet to Foster
We can use homes with all kinds of situations (cats, no cats, other dogs or not, children or not). The Greyhounds available have various personalities and needs and we can suit the Greyhound to your situation.
How Long Will I Keep the Foster?
Average foster dogs stay in a home for a couple days to a month.
What If I Get Attached to the Foster?
Fostering is a good way to find out if adopting a Greyhound is for you! If you get attached you can adopt the Greyhound (but you may need to speak up quickly).
A Current Foster Family Has This to Say About Fostering:
I foster because I can’t own all the Greyhounds that are ready for homes. But I can touch the lives of many of them and help them transition from their life as a racer to one as a pet. I am constantly amazed at the emergence of their personalities as they adjust to new circumstances and begin to embrace their new role as a family member. I also see my “family” grow as I get to know the new adopters and share in the joy the Greyhound I have fostered brings into their lives. I’m also fortunate to own a Greyhound that easily accepts each foster and seems to have an innate sense of what they need from her.